cellphone: 0172 - 395 27 79 | email: info@apartment-auf-zeit.berlin | address: Jutta Schwerin, Mittenwalder Straße 32, 10961 Berlin

temporary apartment rental in Berlin: neighborhood and route


Kreuzberg is situated in the center of Berlin. The area around Bergmannstreet is famous for its typical neighborhood with cafes, boutiques, art shops and restaurants. The market hall right on the Marheineke Square offers a great variety of all kinds of delicious food, to buy or to eat on the spot.

You reachyou reach other central areas of Berlin easily by public transportation or by bike. Only 3 minutes walk to the subway U7 (stop Gneisenaustrasse). There are also various bus lines nearby.

How to get to us

1. From the central station "Hauptbahnhof"
  • take the S-Bahn (S 5, S 75 or S 3) one stop to Friedrichstrasse
  • at  Friedrichstrase change to U6 (direction Alt-Mariendorf) and get off at Mehringdamm
  • at Mehringdamm change on the same platform to U 7 ( direction Rudow), get off at next stop Gneisenaustrasse
    and walk on the platform straight ahead to exit Mittenwalder Strasse, at the pink building walk into Mittenwalder Strasse
…sounds complicated …but is easy

2. From airport Schönefeld

  • take the airport bus to U-Bahn Rudow.  Change to U 7 (direction  Rathaus Spandau), get off at  Gneisenaustrasse
  • Walk on platform back to exit Mittenwalder Strasse, at the pink building walk into Mittenwalder Strasse
…takes about 45 minutes!
950 Euro per month, all inclusive
cellphone: 0172 - 395 27 79 | email :info@apartment-auf-zeit.berlin| address: Jutta Schwerin, Mittenwalder Straße 32, 10961 Berlin
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