cellphone: 0172 - 395 27 79 | email: info@apartment-auf-zeit.berlin | address: Jutta Schwerin, Mittenwalder Strasse 32, 10961 Berlin

Temporary apartment rental - Berlin Kreuzberg

We have two apartments to rent. This is situated on the 3rd floor in a building right in the popular neighborhood Bergmannkiez with a beautiful view on the square Marheinekeplatz with the markethall and many cafes and restaurants. The owners live in the same building.

The apartment on the 3 rd  floor - with elevator

This apartment is the same size (38 square meters) and has the same beautiful view on the square with trees. But the layout is somewhat different from apartment 1. You have a spacious room with an integrated kitchen, a table to work and eat at and a comfortable convertible sofa.

In addition there is a small bed room for one person, and shower bath.

WiFi, TV, linen and towels are provided without charge.

Monthly rent
The rent is 850 € per month plus 300 € flat charge for all costs (maintenance costs, heating, electricity, TV and WLAN ), altogether 1.150 €.
cellphone: 0172 - 395 27 79 | email: info@apartment-auf-zeit.berlin | address: Jutta Schwerin, Mittenwalder Strasse 32, 10961 Berlin
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